hey guys come Topsy down mom I’m doing this little short vid because yeah that I took off side fairing the lights windshield just to get to my speedometer cuz I cuz I hated I hated though they’re like they’re like orangish lights well they’re orange damnit hey you could pretty much see him there I took off my speedometer or my instrument cluster and looked on YouTube I couldn’t find anything looked online once again can find just to get to it but to sum it up how it’s done take off your fairing left and right you can leave the bottom went on they just kind of bolt on right there so after you do that take all that off you must disconnect these two this one and this one gonna feed it this way take it pull it out and the only way to pull it out is you need a 10 mil or was it to see hold on where to go where to go where to go okay you need can’t see it but you need an 8 mil socket take it to these and then it’s a little bit more but screwdriver to get to these two tick just this off but you also have to tick off your light those are my lights so you gotta take those off your windshield the front part your mirrors just to take off your lights now I for one thought I was gonna be an easy process fairly easy process it just turned into just after after but I think by far the r6 fairings
pro is with that screw you don’t even have to put in there to make it fit like that add actually comes out in and out it actually goes yeah now I don’t know why I did that boo boo boo boo whatever the that’s pretty much the process man I’m just gonna put it together and of course you have to do the bolts right here in the front and yeah apparently one of my crashes ended up cashing that site but it’s a lot of work a lot of painstaking work it’s just a pain in the ass in general I wouldn’t do it if you want to install LED lights on your instrument cluster on a suzuki bandit there’s two things you’re gonna you’re gonna need patience and a damn soldering degree because they’re tiny square LED lights or just little tiny squared lights I think there’s like five and grand total than one two three four five in the center I think I didn’t I didn’t have the patience to pull everything off but you you have to have I guess the soldering degree or some another to do it because it was a pain in the ass and I would not do this again but you know the story is just showing you guys what you have to do in order to get to it all the you got to take off and just take apart just to get to r1 fairings
it and I mean if if you want LED LED instrument cluster just just buy a new one seriously it’s just buy a new one because the chances of it screwing up and I have some tiny LED lights that like that one down there I thought I was gonna be able to plug in or just at least find out the size but I mean they’re they’re tiny they’re I mean they’re really really tiny so I couldn’t do it that’s pretty much it I’m just gonna go ahead throw everything back on but after you just do a hit I’ll go ahead and just tell you after you got this set up the next part that goes back in is your headlights just put them back here and there’s bolts that scrolling right here and right there so you got these two bolts let’s screw on to the head the headlamp and that kind of just this one just kind of tucks under it 2006 gsxr 600 fairings